"Teaching how to think"BULB

"Teaching how to think"BULB
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domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Music Contest from Spain! (4ºA)


Spanish rock band La Fuga were born in July of 1996 in Reinosa, a small industrial town south of Cantabria. Edu (drums), Rulo (guitar and voice), Fito (lead guitar and voice), and Inaki (bass) all left previous bands behind in hopes of forming a solid group. It was not long before La Fuga were performing regularly in Reinosa and the surrounding area. In June of 1997 the group took to the studio to record its first record, the self-produced El Camino. Thanks to local success and acclaim, the group was soon offered the opportunity to work with Fak Records on its first truly market-ready project, Mira. In the process, La Fuga lost Fito to other projects, yet took to the road anyway, touring to support their new record with a new lead guitar player, Nando. A short time later the group produced its second studio production, called A Golpes de Rock and Roll. The record's success and acclaim among local critics opened doors for further projects A Las Doce and Calles de Papel. The group's fifth record release, Negociando Gasolina, was issued in 2005, followed by Nubes y Claros: En Acústico in 2006.


Asuntos pendientes (2008)

Nubes y claros (2006)

En directo (2006)

Negociando gasolina (2005)

Calles de papel (2003)

A las doce (2003)


Heroína, diablo vestido de angel.
Yo busco en ti sin saberlo
Lo que tu solo puedes darme.

Hace tiempo que te conozco;
Tienes penas y alegrías.
Vas matando poco a poco
Pues yo ya se bien de tu vida.

Mas chutes no.
Ni cucharas impregnadas de heroína;
No mas jóvenes llorando noche y día.
Solamente oír su nombre causa ruina.

Me cogiste bien cogido
En tus invisibles rejas.
Yo quiero escapar de ti,
Pero me arrastras, no me dejas.

Tu me ayudas a morir
Con tus venenos en mis venas
Y, si llego un día a viejo,
Podrido por dentro y por fuera.

THE LINK IS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQaYcRsaJ9A

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