"Teaching how to think"BULB

"Teaching how to think"BULB
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jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Greetings from Hungary

We are in the hall of our school which is decorated for Christmas.

We are really looking forward to Christmas and the winter holiday.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!

How do you meat and greet?

How do you meet and greet?
What do you do or say in your country? Choose the best answer.

1)What do people do when they meet in your country?
A)shake hands with each other
B)put their hand on the other person’s shoulder
D)hug each other
E) kiss each other on the cheeks
F) kiss each other on the lips
G) wave to each other
H) something else

2) How do you greet these people? Is your greeting different if the person is of the same sex or of the opposite sex?

A) a good friend
B) an acquaintance – a friend of a friend, for example
C) an older neighbor
D) somebody important-your boss, for example
E) one of your parent when you havent seen them for a long time
F) a six-year-old child, your nephew or niece, for example.

3) How do you address the people in question 2?

A) Sir or Madam
B) Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss and their surname
C) their first name
D) a nickname
E) other

4) You’re by yourself and you walk into a café. You see a friend sitting with a group of people you don’t know. What usually happens?

A) your friend introduces you to these people
B) You say ‘Hi’ to your friend and introduce yourself to the people
C) The people stand up and introduce themselves to you
D)something else

5) A new student in your class introduces himself or herself to you. Do you ever say any of these things? Say never, it is possible, sometimes, or often.
B)Pleased to meet you.
C)How olda re you?D)Hi, I’m Mr/Ms…(surname)E)Hi, I’m…(first name)
F)Peace be with you
6)You meet a teacher from your school in the street.What do you say?

A)Hello, teacher!
B)Hello, Mr/Ms…(surname)
C)Hello, …..(first name)
D)Hello, Sir/Miss.
E)Something else

7)You want to get someone’s attention.What do you normally say? Are any of these rude?

A)Excuse me!
B)Hey, Mister/Miss!
D)You there!
E)something else


miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009


Hi again from Spain.
After having all the results from the Logo contest for this project called "Teaching how to think", we have the pleasure to announce the winner, which is .....
THE BULB, done by students of this school, more specifically María Martínez, María Ruiz and Sara González-special collaboration of David Durán in the arrangement within the Photoshop frame.
These were the final results after summing all schools:
1st. The bulb-SPAIN: 18 points.
2nd. The Flower-HUNGARY: 11 points.
2nd. The Butterfly-LITHUANIA: 11 points.
3th. The Hand- LITHUANIA: 10 points.
4th. The Brain- SPAIN: 10 points.
5th. The Shield- TURKEY: 6 points.
6th. The World-HUNGARY: 6 points.
7th. The Heart- SWEDEN: 3 points.
8th The rest of logos got nil points.
We remind you that the winner will start appearing in different documents related to this project.
Thanks to everyone who took part and really cared, congratulations on your logos and thank you soooo much for your votes to our bulb logo.

Spanish´s Logo Votes.

-> 1 point for Lithuania Butterfly Logo.
-> 2 points for Hungary Flower Logo.
-> 3 points for Turkey Shield Logo.
-> 4 points for Hungary World Logo.
And finally,
-> 5 points for Lithuania Hand Logo. =)

Sweden's logo votes !!

Swedish votes:

1p. - Shield (Turkey)

2p. - Flower (Hungary)

3p. - Butterfly (Lithuania)

4p. - Bulb (Spain)

5p. - Brain (Spain)


School Photos


To all our members,

You are required to prepare a biography with a picture attached till 21.12.2009.

Turkey’s Logo Votes

Turkey’s Logo Votes

1 point for Sweden Heart Logo
2 points for Hungary’s World Logo
3 points for Hungary’s Flower Logo
4 points for Lithuania Butterfly Logo
5 points for Spain Bulb Logo

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Turkey's Logo

United Kingdom of Comenius

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009


This logo is the winner of the class of 4ºA.