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martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

A Culture test from Turkey about Europe

A Culture test from Turkey in Europe

1)Which country is the home of the Nokia phone company?

A: Sweden

B: Denmark

C: Finland

2)Who said: "I think, therefore I am"?

A: Voltaire

B: Kant

C: Descartes

3)Where is Anne Frank's House?

A: Berlin

B: Vienna

C: Amsterdam

4)What is the most populous country in the European Union?

A: France

B: United Kingdom

C: Germany

5)Which one of these countries is not a member of the European Union?

A: Sweden

B: Norway

C: Portugal

6)Who painted the Sistine Chapel?

A: Leonardo da Vinci

B: Michaelangelo

C: Raphael

7)Who first came up with the theory that infectious diseases are caused by germs?

A: Madame Curie

B: Louis Pasteur

C: Alexander Fleming

8)Who wrote the story "Hansel and Gretel"?

A: Hans Christian Andersen

B: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

C: The Brothers Grimm

Prepared by: Selin Akpınar (10-A)

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